Dear Editor"

Dear Virginia:

Thank you for your letter together with the issue of Transvestia. I would love to write an article about my life as a TV including the arrest, etc. Thank you for asking me to contribute my experiences so that other TV's can share. Sorry that I was not able to have this ready for an earlier issue as you had asked, however I do hope that you will use it in subsequent issues. Please correct my grammer mistakes.

My unmarried years from 1950 to 1956 were very active years as a TV. Practically every evening af- ter I came home from work I would immediately begin wearing my feminine attire. After preparing supper and doing the dishes I would go out for a stroll or go shopping via bus or in my car. I was always accepted graciously by saleswomen. Somehow I always felt that other women wanted me to remain their equal forever. (Believe me I will always remain a woman in soul and spirit even though I am not able at this time to appear publicly as a woman.)

While trying on dresses one evening in a local de- partment store the salesgirl asked me whether she could assist me. I told her that I thought I could manage myself, but did ask her to bring in enough dresses to try on to make a suitable selection. Dress after dress was handed me. I must have tried on nearly 12 dresses before deciding on two rayon print daytime dresses. Actually the salesgirl gave me several compliments. She thought I had a lovely figure (36-28-36) tall (5' 9") slender (140 lbs.). I will never forget the compli- ment she gave my hair (A newly styled hair piece pur- chased from New York). In fact she plainly said "I envy you". I was in seventh heaven knowing that an- other woman wished to be like me.
